Mitigating Climate Change Through Promoting M-ICS
The main objective of the project is to mitigate climate change through installation of newly modified Matribhumi Improved Cooking Stoves by reducing fuel consumption.
Specific objective:
- To reduce fire wood consumption and reduce women drudgery for collection of firewood and cooking time.
- To provide training on M-ICS installation and develop local technician and support in their livelihood.
- To raise awareness on Indoor Air Pollution and Health Effect
The project was implemented at Lele, Champi, Bungmati and Lamatar VDCs of Lalitpur district. Activities include training and workshop on installation of M-ICS, develop MICS technicians, install 1,000 MICS, mobilise CBO and CFUG for MICS installation and promote organic farming. The project activities have successfully been convened. The impact assessment report carried out by organization after 1 year of implementation shows that the people are satisfied with M-ICS stove , the project was successful to reduce 60% of firewood consumption and curtail carbon dioxide emission.
In socio-economic sector, the project has helped reduce drudgery of women by reducing firewood collection, cooking and cleaning time. It has also improved health of women and children by improving kitchen environment. Likewise, it has also curtailed household expenditure in firewood and LPG gas. 8 local MICS technicians are engaged in MICS making and earning a steady income in health. In some cases, the project was also helpful in reducing caste discrimination as Dalits are also allowed to install MICS in non-Dalit households.
Similarly, the project has continuously support for research and modification of air supply disc. During the process, a new air supply discs, which requires no electricity, has also been developed. As a part of income generating support, 2 CBO s were provided with trust fund, which they have used in organic farming. To support the organic farming, vermi-compost has also been introduced at Lele for the first time.
The implementation of the project was funded by UNDP, GEF/SGP. It was implemented from July 2012 to December 2013.