About Us
Nepal Environmental Watch Initiative (NEW Initiative) was formed in 2005 (2062 B.S.), as a non-profit, non-governmental organization by a group of environmental graduate, aiming to provide social service to especially needed community with their meaningful participation in the field of social, economic and environmental development.
Since its inception in 2005, NEW Initiative has been promoting renewable energy-efficient technology and organic farming with additional various training, awareness activities, survey, and research.
The decreasing rate of natural resources and the increasing rate of population is the root of many environmental problems that existed in Nepal. The majority of the population lives in a rural setting and is directly dependent on natural resources to sustain their livelihood. This heavy nature of dependency on resources and the lack of available alternatives force the depletion of our environmental resources at a faster pace than expected. Biodiversity depletion and climate change effect on society has become hot topics in the country since the last few years. The diminishing rate of agricultural productivity from the uncontrolled urban land-use changes has further exaggerated the environmental issues in the country. This has necessitated taking action immediately in order to curb such persistent environmental problems in Nepal. In this context, NEW Initiative has emerged as a prominent organization to deal with the above-mentioned issues and lead Nepal in the road to sustainable management and wise use of natural resources by considering the livelihood of the grass-root population.
- Initiate economic, social and environmental development of the rural/urban area by involving local people considering their basic rights such as health and education
- Mobilize and implement the concept of sustainable development from the grass-root to national level through various program activities
- Emphasize the research on biodiversity conservation and sustainable harvesting in order to uplift the livelihood of the low income and resource-dependent people
- Inform and mobilize the local communities on the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources
- Implement the developmental program focusing on economic and livelihood aspect with the active participation of women and disadvantaged group of the society
- Healthier and resilient communities living in harmony with nature.
- To empower the communities in protecting the environment and have healthier lives.