Our Supporters
Moving Mountains e.V. is non-profit organization, established in German, by a group of people who want to make a difference and make the world a bit better. We help children and young people in Nepal for their better future.
Stiftung Soziale und Oknologische Zukunft is established to support or initiate projects which help underprivileged people in poorer countries or projects which have the goal to protect climate or nature.
Witwen- und Waisenprojekte Nepal (WWPN) envision to encourage young people to live their dreams, support women in difficult life situations and sustainably strengthen family systems in Nepal. It also promotes holistic health facilities and provides financially disadvantaged people with access to medical aid.
Improving Lives In Nepal (ILIN) is registered as a Company Not Distributing Profit at the Company Registrar Office, Kathmandu, Nepal. Established through a collaborative effort and an active engagement of the professionals from diverse background, the organization aimed to serve, support and improve the livelihood of needy people and families in Nepal.