Internalizing Importance of ECD: My Training Experience
I believe, life is a journey with full of adventures like a game. From a young born to old aged as its different levels like a game. All the phases/levels of life requires social interaction for its growth and success. As an enthusiast learner, I participated in the 5 days, level 1 ECD facilitation training organized from 25th to 29th February at ECEC. The main purpose of this training was to increase my level of awareness about ECD, pre-school teacher’s responsibilities and its importance for child development.
Early Childhood Education Centre (ECEC) as a preschool learning laboratory of toddlers and primary children has been an integral component of instructional programming in the school. It seeks to assist in improving the quality of preschool and primary school teaching in Nepal, conducting intensive short term teacher courses and workshop which serve to train and equip teachers for the profession.
I felt very glad to be a part in ECD facilitation training as it was a great experience and opportunities for me to learn a new vocation. Every day of the training had a new learnings and insights to me. In the first day of training, I learned about helping and building co-operation, mutual understanding and rapport building. The two trainers, Ms. Gita and Ms. Elizabeth’s facilitation through creating a friendly environment for better understanding and interaction facilitated my learnings during the training.
One of my major insights from the training is that the ECD needs to focus on holistic development of a child. It is a complete educational strategy that aims to develop physical, emotional, cognitive and social abilities in kids. It seeks to enhance these skills in the early stage of life, which will prepare them to meet the challenges and difficulties of daily life in the future. These skills also appear crucial not only for the success in professional life but also for developing a strong and balanced personality. Hence, through our READ Child-III project, we plan to prepare our ECD facilitators to create activities for the holistic development of the children.
Another major insight from the training is about the need of Classroom management. It significantly impacts both children’s and teacher’s learning capacity, effectiveness, and early childhood educators (ECD) to support children’s development and handle difficult situations effectively. Teachers use their words, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language to communicate with children. According to the situation, a teacher has to play the roles of communicator, coach, model, storyteller, timekeeper, researcher, etc. Playing promotes healthy growth and development of life skills in children from birth to teenagers. It improves cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being, helps them learn about the world, and intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. It will not only enhance their learning but also make it a fun and valuable experience.
After understanding various perspectives, I concluded that the ECD facilitator’s task is a very challenging task with full responsibility of developing a child in a holistic way. ECD plays a vital role to slowly prepare them towards the practical world and to build a strong foundation for their future. Through the training sessions, I gained a lot of knowledge about ECD class management. Completing assignments during the session on creating Instructional materials for various games. I worked closely with the facilitators and supported them in creating educational materials and scheduling, determining what is required for classroom management, establishing a close relationship with the children, learning about their needs and interest, and promoting the children’s participation in a variety of activities to give an optimistic view of our work.
I’m now confident that after my participation in this training, I am well equipped to execute the activities of READ Child-III to achieve our project activities easily.