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ECDC – A Platform to Explore New Environment

People in rural areas, usually tends to be occupied with farming activities, rearing domestic animals, household chores and so on. Taking care of children, nurturing and fulfilling the educational needs of children as well as organizing daily household activities is a huge challenge for the families. Hence, Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC), operated in schools has been playing a supportive role to the parents with toddlers in the village. ECDC has been an appropriate solution for those parents with toddlers, where they could send their children during day time as they could engage themselves in their household chores. The children could have fun and learn together with the children of same age group in the ECDC.

With the beginning of new educational fiscal year in April 2022, Aarush, Prajal and Subin’s parents enrolled them in Gothbhanjyang ECD. They all are between the age of 2.5 yrs to 3.5 yrs. The children comes to ECD, as their parents are engaged in farming activities and other daily activities.

Mrs. Bimala Thapa Magar (Mother of Aarush)

Aarush’s (3 yrs child enrolled in ECD) mother Mrs. Bimala Thapa Magar is working as support staff in Gothbhanjyang School. “All of my family members are engaged in farming activities and rearing our livestock. I also have been engaged myself as a support staff (cooking snacks for teachers) in Gothbhyanjyang School. Hence, leaving my son in house is not possible, as there are no other family member to look after my children. So, I enrolled my child in ECDC from this educational fiscal year. The ECD operates from 10 am to 2 pm and after school, I take him home after finishing my works. I am very happy to enroll my son in ECD.

There are a lot of playing and educational materials for children in our ECD. Usually, I haven’t seen those types of materials in other ECD’s. My son seems to have fun in ECD. He enjoys as well as much more engaged playing and having fun with his friends when he is in ECD. I think, this will also help him prepare mentally for his school life in coming days ahead. He’ll get used to new environment for upcoming days, learn to socialize with others and spend his time in a better way here. In one hand, he’ll get benefits from attending ECD and on other hand, I’ll also be able to finish my duty without any worry”.

The learning and playing materials provided through the “READ-CHILD Project” has helped these small kids to get used to new environment and provided a platform for them to develop their physical, psychological health and social relation in the ECD. These children come ECDC, play with each other, jump, run here and there, talk and interact with others etc. They are kept under the care of ECD facilitators.